Manager 16.4.56


I use Manager 16.4.56 on windows 7, 64 bit.
Could I upgrade to newer version of Manager or moving to new windows version?

Thank You

Yes, but you’ll have to do it in steps. Please search the forum for info.

Thanks again.
I found a topic that should first upgrade to 20.9.89.
Is it work for 16.4.56?

I guess so but make a backup and store it on 3 different storage media before doing anything.

Could you please share a link of 16.4.56 file or tell me which version should be upgrade from 16.4.56?
I know that version is discontinued, but I’m not sure after the upgrade my databases still work.

Your data format will be automatically converted. The only reason you need to do this in stages is because you are so many thousands of versions behind. The conversion script for your version was removed from the installation package two years ago. The posts you seem to have already found provide necessary links and instructions.

New database format was introduced around version 17.5 which was more than 5 years ago. So upgrading from that version or later directly to the latest version is straightforward.

When upgrading from earlier version than 17.5, you need to first upgrade to intermediate version 20.9.89 and then to the latest. See download link.

If you struggle with this, you can send me your business files to and I can do the conversion for you.

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Dear Sir,

Many Thanks for your great support. I will send you my business files today.

How did you go

  1. downloading from the above link, then installing the older Manger versions (you may need to uninstall your Manager program file first)

  2. Importing your old Manager data file, or just opening it in the interim version (which will update that file)

  3. installing the current Manager version, and then opening your data file with that