Make date input easier by allowing format without leading zero

First, thanks for the great software!

If there’s one thing I can think about improving in Manager, it’s about date input. Manager expects a fixed format that is extremely unforgiving, and can slow down date entry tremendously for me.

Right now, I’ve configured my date format as such:

Basically, a DD/MM/YYYY format where day goes before month.

It seems reasonable to expect then that, 1/11/2021 would work and be interpreted as 1 Nov 2021:

CleanShot 2021-10-25 at 06.59.11@2x

However, that does not work, because Manager insists on a leading zero for both day and month. So only 01/11/2021 would work.

For a day like 1 February, 1/2/2021 would not work; I’d need to add leading zeros to both day and month, like 01/02/2021.

It’d also improve my speed tremendously if Manager can also accept two-digit year instead of insisting on four-digit year. So 1/2/21 for 1 February 2021.

I think the date format in Settings affects both display and entry. I wish the entry part can be more a lot more forgiving. Since Manager already has my preferred order of date components, it would make sense to me to be able to accept D/M/YYYY and D/M/YY as well.

Here’s a GIF of my struggles with date entries:

CleanShot 2021-10-25 at 06.53.14

Pretty sure this has been already fixed some time ago. Can you test in the latest version?

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Thanks @lubos, the leading zero issue is indeed fixed when I updated to 21.10.25 from 21.6.10.

The other issue mentioned in this post, any plans to allow 2-digit year as well?

Would speed up date entry tremendously if I can just key in 1/1/22 instead of 1/1/2022.

The last year 2020 gave a lot of problems for those using 2 digits in legal forms and we had to enter the year in full ourselves to prevent that. I do understand the microseconds delay and that these add up but I think that for a perpetual accounting system the 4 digit year entry is for good reason.