Lost everything please help

My laptop crashed recently, it was old so instead of fixing it I decided to take out the hard drive. When I go to load up Manager on my regular home computer it says i have no businesses there. I’ve tried to solve it myself but have had no luck as i dont really know what to be searching for. Any help would be awesome.

I will guess that you are using desktop edition. Also I guess tha you have attached the old disk as secondary to your home computer. Can you post a screenshot of your My Computer opened in Explorer, showing disk drivers ?
For now if you have let say 2 drives (C, D), than copy everything from D:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Manager (old disk drive) to C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Manager (you home comp disk drive)

This Guide may help you find the right files: Manage application data folder contents | Manager. After that…backup, backup, backup. See Backup, restore, import, and transfer businesses | Manager.