Just checking when we go to the localizations link and I click on new Zealand . is that the whole new business template I use ? I dont just download a GST template. As I have a template that I have set up with a number of different account names and groups etc. and control accounts and custom fields Do I now need to make these accounts up every time I have a new business?
Localizations are part of the program. All you are meant to do is select country. In your case New Zealand
when creating new business. Or set Country
field on Business Details
This will automatically give you country-specific reports (if available).
I did select NZ in the business details but the tax codes are not there. I must be doing something wrong
I just tried this with a test business that I first created without selecting a localization and then in settings-business details added. Indeed in such situation I could not find any of the localizations applied, ie no tax codes nor GST report. When setting up a new business and selecting New Zealand straight away all is as it should be.
I think you have to delete existing tax reports or custom reports
Search the forum for info - and make a backup before doing anything risky
I entered a brand new test business without any tax codes. The localization settings were not copied when adding them via business details. They only appear when creating a new business with the localization selected.
This is how it’s meant to be working. I’m currently working on localizations. There is going to be a guide what to do when you set country in existing business.
Soo I have to use the one in the link and sit there and put all the control accounts and other accounts and custom fields in. Maybe quicker to set up manually?
AHH you are correct if new business I dont create a new business I use a template business that I have as it has all my custom fields and control accounts and reports etc already with it