List of outstanding invoices for 30/09/2018


What is the quickest possible way to get the list for open invoices in the past (30/09/2018)?
Not the AR list by customer, but plain list if invoices with status for that day?


I don’t think you can. The history of invoices is not saved. When you drill down in the Sales Invoices tab on the balance of an invoice, you see the transactions that affected it, as well as a running balance reflecting their effects. But that balance is calculated on the fly for the display, not drawn from the database.

And Custom Reports would not be able to extract that data?
I did not try that yet properly.


The data is not in the database without performing a series of calculations on each invoice. And custom reports will not do calculations.

Entering the date in the search field of the Sales Invoices tab will bring up all invoices for that date with the status column, if that’s what you are after.

That will only list invoices issued that day, with current status, not status on some date in the past.

If you have a backup of the business on that day (or near to it) you could “add the business” to get a list from the Sales Invoice tab. Otherwise, only via the AR report for that date with the column balances indicating the status. A drill down on a customer’s column balance will list the invoices related to it and export.