Is there a place to write notes in Manager?


I am creating a list with explanations on what I may(or my wife) forget when we do our accounts every 2-3 months. As our mind is not focused all day on accounts, we tend to forget certain move we did with the software or information we read or heard on internet(ie: explanation about different types of assets and so on).
I would like to know if there is an area(I looked for it but could not find one) where the user can keep adding notes, like a simple text area with a little text editor(or even very simple blank editor).

This would be a superb feature to have because whoever starts up the software can see what the other wrote at the last backup(ie: husband and wife both going to the software one after the other).


You can use files module with custom fields.

let me try to find this in the doc, thanks

Do you mean the “Folder” Module?

Yes… sorry

Super cool! Exactly what I was looking for :slight_smile: Thanks!

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You are welcome

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