Invoice Template Lost

Hi, I’ve searched the forum for invoice template related threads but can’t find anything recent. A couple of weeks ago I wiped my O/S and reinstalled, and installed the latest version of Manager. I’m now running 17.10.36 on Linux Mint 18.2. I imported my business but now when I edit an invoice, there is no longer an option to change the template. My default template still seems to be present in the imported company though. My logo is still there and the columns I had set up are the same. The problem is for one specific customer I had a second template. There used to be a dropdown in the Edit Invoice area that would let me change it. Where can I look to see if this second template survived the import, and how can I apply it to an invoice?

Thanks very much!

Invoice templates became obsolete a year ago. They were replaced by custom themes, which apply across all forms, not just invoices, and are much more powerful. Themes are written in Shopify’s Liquid language. Read about them here:

Change the look of forms with themes | Manager and

For a short while, legacy invoice templates were supported, but that vanished months ago as new features were added and backwards compatibility became unsustainable.

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Ok, thanks. So I managed to create a theme and I found the markup for the basic template which is what I modified last time. So now the issue is when I create the different theme and applky it, and then export to PDF, the changes don’t seem to take effect. The modification I made was to shrink the font size of the detail lines to 10px instead of 14px. When I apply the theme when viewing the invoice, the text shrinks as expected compared to the plain/default theme. However when I PDF the two, they look the same.

I am trying to accomplish getting the smaller detail lines in to the PDF because I have a customer who gets one page invoices, but a typical monthly invoice has too many detail lines to fit on one page with 14px font.

Is there some way to get the PDF function to use the new theme I created?

I just did a test with 8px text for the title and it came through both onscreen and in PDF. Are you sure you selected the correct theme? You have to choose the theme for every transaction, but then it sticks.

Try both the PDF button (which uses Manager’s in-built PDF generator) and the Print button (which allows you to use a PDF printer installed on the OS).

Does the other one (opposite to what you were already using) render it correctly?

Hmm. I have always used the “PDF” function. I just tried the “Print” button and although it made the text smaller, the invoice format was all messed up, so that does not appear to be an option.

I definitely changed the theme and no change in PDF. Here is exactly what I have tried step-by-step:

  1. Clicked “Sales Invoices”.
  2. Clicked “View” for a particular invoice.
  3. Clicked “Switch Theme”.
  4. Clicked “Plain”.
  5. Clicked “Switch Theme” again, verified that “Plain” was checked off.
  6. Clicked “PDF”, generating file 1.
  7. Clicked “Switch Theme”.
  8. Clicked my custom theme, noticing that the text properly shrunk in the view.
  9. Clicked “Switch Theme” again, verified that my custom theme was checked off.
  10. Clicked “PDF”, generating file 2.

Both files are exactly the same.

I figured it out.

Initially I had added the inline style of “font-size: 10px;” only to the tbody element. For some reason, this is rendered in the display, but not the PDF function. WHen I added the inline style to the individual td tags, it rendered in the PDF function as well.

Thank you for the assistance to get me here, I have my invoice as needed again!

Aha. There are some differences, so this seems to be one of them.

What you see rendered in the display is a web page, so it supports quite a bit. When clicking PDF you are using the in-built PDF generator to create a PDF based on HTML tags.

So both are being rendered by different code, and might treat the same HTML differently.

Glad you were able to sort it out :smiley:

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