Invoice Amount in Words

Hi Everyone,
how we can mention invoice amount in word?
variable {{ balance_due_in_words }} is not working

Its very important to mention amount in words.

If you can please provide the code
I already look at the article and got zero answer

we are using Manager 17.6.1

upgrade to the latest version that is v 17.7.67
follow this topic and the html codes given.
it should help you.

As I understand it, the invoice amount in words is only available if the India currency INR is selected under Settings - Base Currency.

If you have set the currency as INR, the amount in words have been implemented as a default in Manager since version 17.6.69.
So you do not have to make any custom themes for achieving this.

Hi, i was searching for previous posts to get amounts in words.

Is this available now if currency in Saudi riyal, Of course it is needed in the arabic text as well.