Invoice Amount in Words

Please guide how we can mention invoice amount in words.

This is only possible if you create custom HTML template for invoices. There is a variable {{ balance_due_in_words }}.

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Where I have to insert this variable in the HTML Template?

Do you have any experience with HTML?

Have tried this variable last week and it said “Thirty-Eigth” when the amount was € 38,50.
Is this perhaps still work-in-progress because it doesn’t seem to be coupled to a locale, for it doesn’t give out the amount in the language and format set in preferences ?

Yeah, the variable is always in English regardless what language is set under preferences. It’s a bit more complicated to make numbers to be written out in words in different languages.

No, I don’t have any HTML Experiance

Hi Lubos, I am still waiting to get a solution from your side to mention in voice amount in words.

Thanks, I Got My Answer.

I solve this problem
Try This code

DHS:{{ balance_due_in_words }}
This code but it before this code
{{ notes | newline_to_br }}

Try this code

DHS:{{ balance_due_in_words }}

this code but it before this code

{{ notes | newline_to_br }}

does this code still work?

when i put :
<div>{{ balance_due_in_words }} </div>

it doesnt show…

This entire topic had to do with view templates, which are no longer available. So its advice is obsolete.