Inventory quantity not correctly reflected on tab Inventory Items

Indeed @Tut and I still have no clue what benefit this has but think it may have to do with localisations and a pursuit of non-coding environments. In my view it is throwing away the baby with the bathwater. Not so long ago we could customize, calculate, etc. Now most are turned into dumbed down restrictions each causing more problems than solutions as seen on this forum. Anyway, so be it!

Been there, done that…

In particular read the last 5 posts.

Fixed in the latest version (21.11.96)

The older version would force you to enter Unit price. New version doesn’t force you to enter Unit price and unit price can be auto-calculated.

This is useful when categorizing imported transactions since you only need to select inventory item and enter quantity which is faster way to categorize transaction.

Thank you @lubos for fixing it so quickly!

@Lubos, therefore Qty field should still be there. I just repeated the test payments and without enabling Qty there would not be an inventory count entry. Similarly for receipt without it there would not be any Qty taken from inventory. When choosing “item” under each payment and receipt you do not know if it was assigned a Qty for a specific value so Qty must be present to avoid serious errors. I realize that you are trying to gain screen real estate by trying to remove all this from the line, especially as so much more tax stuff is there but this is causing real life problems as it is prone to lots of error.

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I see quantity optional even for inventory items.

You could pay for delivery which you could attribute to specific inventory item. This would increase its value on hand without increasing quantity.

Or you could receive partial refund from supplier where you retain all quantity, just want to decrease value on hand.

@Lubos, yes one can decide not to use it but why disable the entry box by default when most common practice is for inventory to have some kind of Qty associated with it. For non-inventory items I can understand that it is not enabled by default. My observation is that disabling it by default will cause issues when buying and selling. You always ask for real world cases to support arguments. The real world cases for inventory management are that in most cases it will include quantities that are being sold or bought. As such the system as it was was ok, except that you also changed the behaviour of no entry. I really do not know what you try to fix here, rather it seems becoming less clear and intuitive. You obviously decide and the users can either just adopt or leave or no longer update until some of these drastic changes are reversed.

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