Inventory Qty owned bug

You need to edit the columns to display the Qty on hand column. Refer to my post #14 above. As far as I am aware, clicking on the number for Qty owned has never displayed inventory locations. The big thing that has changed is that you now have the ability to choose which columns to display, and by default the Qty on hand column is hidden.

Thanks, Graham. Qty on hand column is nil because we do not use Good receipts and delivery notes.
Just to confirm that clicking the qty owned column showed inventory by location.

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OK. I use goods receipts, so perhaps Manager behaves differently when you donā€™t. I assumed that it would still use the Qty on hand and Qty owned columns in the same way as it does for me, but it looks like maybe I was wrong about that. I canā€™t help you any further.

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Hey Graham, iā€™m having the same issues as @applet
We have a couple of different businesses running on manager, On one of them we use the goods receipt/delivery notes tab, on the other, due to high volume, we donā€™t use them for sake of simplicity and ease.
So for users that donā€™t have these tabs enabled Qty Owned would always show us the inventory location

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OK, I didnā€™t realise that. Since Iā€™ve always used goods receipts I havenā€™t experienced the behaviour you and others describe, and I canā€™t help you any further.

Just to add as a context that we are using Cloud version

This issue with inventory locations is on my radar. I will find the solution tomorrow.


(post deleted by author)

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You can start by reading the guides on inventory. And also, do not try to change the subject of a topic.

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I will need to re-think the columns but for now in the latest version (, I made it so even if business does not use delivery notes or goods receipts but has inventory locations set up, then Qty on hand will show the figure that you can drill-down into which will show you break down by inventory location.


That is fine.


This option was a wounderfull short-cut for viewing inventory Qty by location by stock-centric customers - they feel they are missing their day-to-day tool. Thanks for your urgent help.