Good day !
I would like to put my inventory in different group to identify & track more easily.
for example, i want to put all my inventory for Barbed wires under Group Name Barbed Wire
All Diamond mesh under Group name Diamond Mesh.
Kindly advice if its possible.
Please search the forum before posting questions. This one has been answered several times recently. The answer is no. But you could begin item codes, names, or descriptions with a group designator.
Answers posted were not satisfying me with desired result.
if i want to take report for certain group to check inventory movement, how do i do it ?
You cannot.
There is a need for Inventory Group feature to classify items based on some common features such as product type, product brand, product grade etc.
For example, you can group stock items in a structure like this
Other users might choose to organize their stock into categories like Wood Products, Plastic Products, Sports Equipment, Lighting Products, and Skin Care Products.
The idea is to be able to create Net Sales, Net Purchases, and Inventory-On-Hand reports in terms of Movement in Value and Movement in Quantity for Inventory Groups.
You can use custom reports to get a lot of reports based on custom fields, but I feel a lot of users would prefer a simple report under Reports than a custom report.
The feature may be enhanced to include parent and subsidiary groups. For example, we could have a Parent Group created as Computers and have subsidiaries such as Laptops, Tablet Computers and Desktops.
I think this idea must be added to the ideas list.
Great, how would you create Net Sales and Net Purchases report Categorywise?
hi ive created custom fields for inventory so i can group them, and have added the custom fields for the new inventory items but Im not seeing the column for the custom field in the ‘inventory items’ list as @VACUUMDOG showed in the screenshot. just wondering is there a setting i have to choose to show that?
Have you checked the cistom field box under Edit Columns?
ah thankyou. im still a newbie at Manager. trying my best with reading the guides and looking up the forum. Im the one doing the micro record label. we had some records come back and they are multiple colours so im having to separate them as different colours in the inventory but i also want to be able to track them as a group so i know how many total records i have left for that release but also how many of each colour. im hoping that custom fields will enable me to do this.
You cannot do any calculations or tracking with custom fields. Manager allows no inventory hierarchy. To track different variations, each must be a separate inventory item.
You can achieve this by
- Create Custom Control Account for Inventory
- Create Chart of Account each item group for Sales
- Create Chart of Account each item group for Cost of Sales
You can Create Parent Group for the chart of account, so that you can choose Groups to collapse in the P&L and BS to summaries the report
Hope this will help

@Ahmad_Khoiron, your links to an external site were deleted. Please edit your post to illustrate directly with screenshots.