Inventory Batch Create and Update with Custom Fields

Hi, I am trying to import my inventory data (with custom fields) into Manager using Batch Create/Update.

What I have tried:

Method 1

  1. Create the custom fields in inventory
  2. Populate sample data in Manager inventory
  3. Use Batch Update and Copy to Clipboard.
  4. Paste into Excel and add more data.
  5. Copy the data in Excel and paste in Batch Create.

Column Headers:

|Brand|Item code|Category|Item name|Color|Description|Sales price|Purchase price|Qty available|Qty to deliver|Qty to receive|Remark|

  1. Click Next.
  2. Preview panel is empty.

Method 2

  1. Use Batch Create and Copy to Clipboard.
  2. Paste in Excel.
  3. Custom fields in inventory such as “Brand” and “Category”, which are present in the Clipboard from Batch Update, are missing. The following column headers are present instead:

ItemCode ItemName UnitName ProductionStage Division ControlAccount ReorderPoint QtyDesired TrackQuantityToReceive TrackQuantityToDeliver CustomIncomeAccount IncomeAccount CustomExpenseAccount ExpenseAccount HasDefaultLineDescription DefaultLineDescription HasDefaultPurchaseUnitPrice DefaultPurchaseUnitPrice HasDefaultSalesUnitPrice DefaultSalesUnitPrice HasDefaultDivision DefaultDivision HasDefaultTaxCode DefaultTaxCode HideItemNameOnPrintedDocuments Inactive

Any advice or guidance is greatly appreciated.

Thank you!