I have been using Manager for a while now but only needed to use the Batch Create feature for Inventory. I am trying to import about 700 Vehicles Data.
I have noticed the the Custom Fields names are not showing when pasted in Excel. I am using Windows version 19.10 [updated today], I have managed to upload all the items but just thought to share in case it is Bug to be Fixed …
Code Name Description UnitName PurchasePrice SalePrice TaxCode StartingBalanceCost Inactive CustomFields.42cb407e8cde45c19340b456e580538b CustomFields.e087fa335a414c7a93d1ec2ac9fd087a CustomFields.74a199ae476f428c9871ede3cc8612b6 CustomFields.4e00ef3ca7924639a98359ea221b6305 CustomFields.9775886d0e394bf09e5a9ebc6f7b6af2 CustomFields.69b740d69c6b46b3aa927829aa4328f2 ExpenseAccount CustomExpenseAccount TrackingCode IncomeAccount CustomIncomeAccount ControlAccount StartingBalanceQuantities.InventoryLocation StartingBalanceQuantities.Qty