Install problem

I have had a computer crash and needed to restore the computer to earlier time. Now when I try to update Manager, I get the message that it cannot uninstall the earlier version and therefore the newest version cannot be installed. Please advise. Thank you.

Please supply more detail. What operating system? Were you trying to uninstall? You don’t need to. Just install the update.

Windows 7 ProfessionaI - was trying to install latest version off the web after having restored my PC to an earlier time. The message states that the older version cannot be uninstalled and to contact tech support.

Have you tried to uninstall Manager through the Control Panel > Programs and Features?

Can you see the image of what I see when I try to do that?

Hi @elreng33 can you try this?

since you have CCleaner installed, try uninstalling Manager from it, clean and fix registry errors. then try installing Manager again.

I had to force the uninstall and then use CC to clean the registry. Then when I try to install latest version from web, I get a message that an older version cannot be removed, so the installation fails.

After following your advise, I was able to install Manager. When I launch Manager it is looking for a business to open. How do I find and open the files associated with the business (and hopefully still exist) that were created before the crash.

the business files will be stored in the application data folder.
the default location of application data folder on Windows OS is

if you had changed the folder you may look for your business files there or if you had created a backup file elsewhere, you can import it to Manager.

the guide to identify the files in the application data folder is Manage application data folder contents | Manager

Do a search of your hard drive for files ending in “.manager” (that is dot manager).
Once found, note the file path and open Manager - Add Business - Import Business and use the file path.
The business file name will be a mix of alpha/numeric characters - not the 00000000 file name.

All along I have been backing up to a DropBox location. There are many files in that location. I have opened a couple and they appear to not be current. Is there a way to know which manager file is the most current?

@sharpdrivetek already pointed you toward this Guide:

Read the section on identifying current business files.