Importing Cash Book


Importing bank statements in Manager is great, how about a matter of importing Cash book?

Before implementing Manager off course there are so many previous cash transactions in workbook of Excel and that should be imported in it for a period of certain accounting.

It will be greatly appreciated should possible.

there is no need to enter all the transactions, only the starting balance is enough when migrating your existing business to Manager.

Actually as it is, but how to present the report for 1 year when starting on the 1st of march and we have transaction started the 1st of january. We need fully report and historical transaction in Manager started the current year.

Please advise

its always better to migrate to a new software at the beginning of a financial year.

anyway one workaround solution for your need would be as follows.

  1. create a separate account for cash under Bank Accounts.
  2. import all the transactions in the necessary format as accepted by Manager.
  3. convert the account as Cash Account. Manager Cloud

That’s great, I got it

Many thanks

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