I am unable to open or print your invoice

“Unfortunately i am unable to open or print your invoice, can you please resend it in another format”
Time to time I receive emails with above line from some of my customers. I know this is a known issue that only some customers can’t open the invoice sent by Manager email.
My issue is that I can’t say to my customers to “upgrade your system”.
What I have done so far is to print the invoice using “Microsoft Print to PDF” printer and save the invoice as pdf. Then Gmail the PDF as an attachment. All the customers have no problem with the Gmail attached PDF.
Is there a way to attach the PDF invoice separately to the Manager email template ?
Sending invoices and getting paid is the most important aspect of the viability of the my business. therefore, email function of the Manager to my business is vital.
Any suggestion is much appreciate. Thank you.

It already does so when the option Internal PDF generator is enabled under Settings > Obsolete Features.

The pdf files generated open some but not all pdf readers. They read OK in Firefox but not SumatraPDF for me (I have not done extensive testing).

I suspect this is a result of the internal pdf generator being on “Obsolete” feature, so not being actively updated at the moment. The long term solution is discussed in Support for emailing documents in Desktop edition - #6 by Patch

in the interim the work around is get your customers to try another pdf reader or

then email the attachment, which should work with most pdf readers.

Thank you. I hope this will be fixed soon. Just wondering why the PDF support was dropped in the first place?

In August 2021 @Lubos posted the announcement Internal PDF generator now obsolete The discussion that follows makes things clear.

Thanks Eko, I’m by no means a software developer, but if I had the knowledge I’ll make all the email templates have the ability to attach any type of files. For example I just made a sales order but I can only attach JPEGS to the attachment. If I had the knowledge I’d make any type of file can be attached. But I’m only a user I can only give feedback about user experience. There must be reasons from developers point of view. Thank you.

I just tried in server version and as you can see below, you can attach every type of file, even exe and zip files. I wonder what edition and version you are using.


Hi Mark, I am using version. wow! Thank you. This is going to be very flexible and user friendly.
Great feature add-on.

I have just installed Now Sales order can attach any type of files. It’ll be useful if all email templates have this attachment feature.

Please tell us which one does not.

@Aldo, are you aware that the attachment capability depends on what has been attached to the original transaction? You cannot attach files to the email template itself. You attach them to the transaction; then, you have the option of whether to include them with the email.

Hi, I’m glad to tell you that Version has following working.

Purchase Order - Attaching All file Types available
Sales Invoice - Attaching All file Types available
Purchase Invoice - Attaching All file Types available

Thank You.

Then delete the posts you created. I will delete this one after you did.