How to monitor inventory items expiration dates

Hey @all

Is there a possible way that I can monitor my inventory list expiration date sorting from/to top/bottom.

And it will be great feature to have possibility to send notification by email or whatsapp

Your question is not clear. Inventory items in Manager do not expire. And no list of any type expires. Some lists available in Manager depend on a date or dates you define. Any list order can be reversed by clicking on the heading for the column you wish to sort by.

I mean in inventory items is there a way to add item expire date to monitor / track item expire date

You would have to create a custom field to hold the expiry date

You would have to create new items for ecah expiry date. There is no lot control in Manager

All items with the same code arw considered equal


  • Do it outside of Manager
  • Create a new inventory item for each batch eg Item name #Batch Number
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