How to install licenced server ed on server?

hello everyone
i want to know how to install server edition on network,all the clients or on same network and same subnet mask.any help?

This will depend upon which operating system you are using
suggest you start here Guides | Manager

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unable to buy server edition

You need to provide much more information. Why are you unable to buy the server edition? Have you downloaded, installed, and gotten the trial version up and running on your server? You must install the trial edition first.

I have moved your duplicate subject to the other existing thread in which you also posted. Please do not post questions/problems in multiple topics. That lessens your chance of getting help, because it splits responses from forum members who try to answer.

The older versions of server edition are no longer possible to purchase from within the program. New version can be purchased from the website directly.

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Does it mean Manager can no longer be hosted on the previous Cloud Hosting - Digital Ocaen, Vultr or Linode. The options seems to have been removed completely from the site.

I would assume that it is still possible, just that the step-by-step instructions have been removed and it’s discouraged. They are still servers, capable of running a web application, and that’s exactly what Manager is.

Do you have an existing version of Manager Server installed on one of these @Zion?

Yes, the Trial Version. I also notice clicking on the Buy link to purchase the Full version now returns an error.

Yes, the old method of paying from within Manager is no longer supported.

To resolve this, you will need to:

  1. Update to the latest version of Manager
  2. Server Edition is now purchased directly from this page instead:

If you are using Digital Ocean or another provider like that, it might not be so straightforward to update. I have heard of people exporting their business, installing the latest version fresh, and then re-importing … as a workaround.

Since you mentioned that the installation instructions have been removed, that makes things even more difficult if you don’t remember how you set it up originally.

Try to do the steps I mentioned above. If you get stuck on #1, let us know what cloud provider you’re using and maybe there’s a way to dig up a link to the old instructions.

The instructions to install server edition on Digital Ocean, Vultr or Linode have been so easy, quite a few people have gone using Manager that way but their technical skills were nowhere near to be able to troubleshoot anything.

Also, since server edition is being promoted as “no monthly fees”, it did seem like a false claim when installation on VPS would involve monthly fee. This was creating even more confusion among non-technical customers.

So the guides related to Digital Ocean, Vultr and Linode have been taken down for these two reasons.

Generally, if you are familiar with Linux just a little bit, you can easily figure out how to install Manager on VPS using generic Ubuntu guide as all these providers offer Ubuntu servers. If you can’t figure it out, then server edition is not for you.

One thing which is missing from generic Ubuntu guide is to explain how to install Caddy so you have nice HTTPS proxy in front of Manager. You shouldn’t be accessing Manager Server over the Internet without using HTTPS.

I’ve been meaning to look into Caddy for a while - I’m actually holding off moving to the Server Edition partly due to this. Waiting until I have a chance to investigate further.

Are you likely to be updating the Ubuntu guide with those details in the near future, or is this just something you’d like to do but don’t have a specific timeline for?

I will try to add it into guides within a week. It’s pretty easy though. After you have Manager Server up and running on port 8080, you can run these 5 additional commands to install and configure Caddy.

Install Caddy.

curl -fsSL | bash

Create config file for Caddy so it proxies all requests to port 443 into Manager Server which is running on port 8080

printf ":443 {\n  proxy / localhost:8080\n  tls { max_certs 100 }\n}\n" | sudo tee /usr/share/manager-server/caddy.conf

Create config file for systemctl so Caddy starts automatically on server start with the configuration file created step above.

printf "[Unit]\\n\n[Service]\nLimitNOFILE=1048576\nExecStart=/usr/local/bin/caddy -agree=true -conf=/usr/share/manager-server/caddy.conf\nRestart=on-failure\nStartLimitInterval=600\n\n[Install]\" | sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/caddy.service

Enable and start Caddy service

systemctl enable caddy
systemctl start caddy

Once Caddy is running, it will listen on ports 80 (http) and 443 (https). It will proxy all requests internally to Manager Server which is running on port 8080.


Thanks, have bookmarked and will follow up on it shortly.

@Zion - how did you go with upgrading / etc?

I noticed the Caddy service was already on my Cloud Drive.
So I simply retrieve the Manager Server file, unzipped and overwrote the
existing files and restarted my Server.
And a tip - I used Bitvise for SSH access and run commands on my Ubuntu
And it worked just fine. Hoping to complete the process by buying a license

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For windows 7 how I’m gonna run it?, My head can’t figure it out how to use caddy even after looking in net for guides all over the place.

For now I’m using beame-insta-ssl :joy:

Just confirming that I had a chance to try this tonight.

After wondering why it wasn’t working - and then realising I’d blocked ports 80 and 443 in my firewall - it’s all good now! :smiley:

Have you tried the guides in the Caddy official tutorial

Well I didn’t understand what it mean’t by caddy file until Lubos mentioned is a caddyfile.conf. I had it worked it out somehow, I’m trying to get beame-insta-ssl certs with caddy but no luck. I can only

use the following settings


https://localhost:443 {
	proxy / http://localhost:9999
	tls self_signed {
	max_certs 10
http://localhost:80 {
	proxy / https://localhost:433

port 9999 is where I set the manager to listen.

This is the files I’m trying to get it work with caddy