How to add, information about paid from and received in

Hello, Good Morning Developer and Pertner, Help me How to add, information about paid from and received in cash or bank, in menu payments and receipts please, Thank You

You will have to use a custom field for this

As far as Manager accounting software is concerned, these documents are issued to your suppliers and customers as a record of the payment and receipt. It is none of their business which bank or cash account is used to make their payment or receive their payment


Thank you, but we need that information for make it easier to read that print results

if we use custome fields we need input again or double input


Use merge tags in footers. Which will give you the desired result.

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PaidFrom Footer

<div style="font-size: 12px; margin-top: 5px;" id="paidfrom"><i>Paid from	: @@PaidFrom@@</i></div>
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
    const paidFromDiv = document.getElementById("paidfrom");
    const paidFromTr = paidFromDiv.closest("tr");
    const titleTd = document.getElementById("Title");
    if (paidFromTr) {
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For Receipts

ReceivedIn Footer

<div style="font-size: 12px; margin-top: 5px;" id="ReceivedIn"><i>Received In	: @@ReceivedIn@@</i></div>
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
    const ReceivedInDiv = document.getElementById("ReceivedIn");
    const ReceivedInTr = ReceivedInDiv.closest("tr");
    const titleTd = document.getElementById("Title");
    if (ReceivedInTr) {

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Creating custom field named for example account name then link it to cash and bank account as in below screen.

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thanks, but how i add this, in custome theme ?

Thank you, but how i add this script

to add the ReceivedIn Footer script go to settings, footers, receipts, click on new footer, copy and paste code into box below content. name the footer in name box and click on button marked create.
do the same for paidfrom script in footer, payments under settings if you want use the PaidFrom Footer.

thank you, i was add it on footer but information about cash or bank cannot automatically according to the name of the bank.


thank you, i was add it on footer but information about cash or bank cannot automatically according to the name of the bank.


what OS and version number of Manager are you using? Desktop, server or cloud?
Both scripts work as expected here on version on both linux and windows

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we use manager server edition on windows 10, oke i will upgrade the apps first

Before upgrading Server edition be sure license key is valid for latest version otherwise license key may need renewal

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our key still works, thank you

we has update manager server and your script was works, thank you, manager dev and team

As a reminder. Please next time before you post note the forum rule at FAQ - Manager Forum that:

So if you encounter a problem with the desktop or server editions, update Manager , even if you recently did. (The cloud edition is always up to date.) You can check the latest version at .

I would like to add the Github download location as well at because for example the Mac systems with M1, M2 and M3 CPUs need to download the ARM64 version and that is not available from

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