History Not Showing Results

Hi testing Server Ver 21.8.36 and History is not working. It does not show results on no selection or selection.

No matter what selected - Blank result.

Ran a data restore and it appears to work fine now. Really weird as all other functions appeared to be OK

Would be great if we could look up the history of a particular Sales Invoice PO or SO like in the older versions.

That works a bit different now. Just go to for example Sales Invoice tab and search for the invoice. Then click on view and you will notice that there is a history button on the bottom right of the view screen, click on that nd you will see one or more entries. Again click on view and now you see the actual history entry for that item which you can undo.

OK what occurs if the SI, PO or SO has been deleted? I suspect you will not find it in the conventional way and then access its History as you describe?

Hang on that can be worked around … Hmmm OK Cool

The new normal history button allows for search of deleted files