Get largest reference number without going through all objects

I have automated importing of POS data into manager using excel power query but I am still facing problems with how to work with references. If I used custom references for imported transactions, that would completely mess up the auto numbering of manual transactions.

Because of all that, I finally decided to have my imported transactions numbered in sequence along with manual transactions but getting the next number in sequence turned out to be much more difficult than I expected.

I tried using the Manager url to get the Debit Notes table as follows:

    Source = Table.FromRecords(
            Web.Contents("{ so and so }")

In theory that should work perfectly, but the query &SortBy=1&Desc=True doesn’t seem to apply on the json file. That’s a bummer.

Is there any way to get this to work? I’m also open for any other method that doesn’t involve retrieving the full set of 6000+ debit notes everytime I need to know the next number in sequence.

@lubos @MarkLL @ShaneAU, other guys are welcome as well.

So you are not using batch import. Correct? You are inserting JSON raw using Manager API?

Not really. Accounts are posted through API but for the transactions it’s batch create.

Have you considered starting the manual transaction numbering at, say seven digits and using smaller numbers for custom references for the imported transactions?

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:bulb: That’s brilliant.

But I’m not sure though about the volume of transactions. I guess starting at 1m would be plenty enough though. I could even make it 9m.

I think your solution could be my last resort if I eventually gave up on a single solid sequence.

Just tried that as well

The auto-ref still doesn’t work with direct post.

Sorry, I’m not sure about the specifics of Excel power query. Best I could do is offer some feedback on potential API querying issues, but it seems you might have that mostly under control at the moment.

I am unsure if the API ever created references automatically. The main use case that I have had is copying accounting data from another system into Manager, and so I already had pre-defined references in that scenario. Never had to rely on the auto incrementing reference via API.

Hi @ShaneAU

That’s right, the API doesn’t create auto refs neither does batch create.

But if I could somehow retrieve the next number in line I could assign the references myself. There are two ways to do this right now:

  • Manual user input – but this breaks the automation and introduces errors.
  • Retrieving the entire invoice list, which is extremely inefficient.

I tried querying the tabs by adding .json in the URL so I can sort the tab table by references descending and get only the first fifty but the sorting part didn’t work.

Sorry for the delay, I don’t check this forum too often.

Why not use a slightly different approach for your API-generated invoices?

e.g. A1001, A1002, A1003, …

If you need to create any directly in Manager, they would use the existing system (numerical only) and not interfere with your API list.

No worries mate.

That’s definitely a possibility. I will have to experiment with that.