I am facing an issue with automatic reference number for " Receipt & Payment, Journal entries & Inter-Account transfer", before i use the manager for more than 2 YA, and i used internal reference for this, but now we are cancelled that internal referencing.
I go to the Form default and Put the format “20210030” but later-on when i make the transaction, unfortunate it is shown other referencing number, which should not coming to my transaction reference.
I had a similar problem, and I fixed it be carrying the previous numbering into a custom field called “alternate reference” and then renumbered the whole thing starting from 1.
Entries you make in Form Defaults are not formats. They are content. And your screen shot shows that your default is set to automatic reference numbers. Therefore, Manager will find the highest number you have ever entered and add 1. All alphabetic characters and punctuation marks are ignored. See the Guide: https://www.manager.io/guides/18764.
One of my clients wants to change each form reference to shorter version (20240001) than the previous one (xxxxxxxxxxxx). However, automatic sequencing takes into account the longer version and add 1. I read the guide and understand taking the longer (being the highest number)+1 is fine. However, this kind of requests can be possible.
So, is there any way this can be addressed within the same place? For example, by locking previous reference number order automatically or manually once a new order introduced.
Use Batch update for all and change numbers from the beginning. Question is if tax authorities and auditors would like this because you will change existing auditable numbers.