Reset Automatic Reference?

Can the automatic numbering be reset in a cloud account?

We use 4 digit invoice numbers but earlier this year 2 invoices were sent out with 5 digit numbers. After waiting for those to cycle through we deleted those numbers and put in what would have been the correct sequence but Manager insists on auto inputting the same 5 digit number sequence.

We have found no 5 digit numbers in our records.

Appreciate getting help to resolve this.


so in the summary screen when you show all records (including past periods), drill down and show all records then sort by reference number, what is the maximum number found?

Thanks but I can find no way to do what you describe.

Not sure if you refer to purchase or sales invoices but the principle is the same.

  1. Click on the Sales invoices tab,
  2. Scroll down the page and click on the largest number to show all records, e.g.: 12,717 below
    Screenshot 2023-11-14 at 06.46.10
  3. Click on reference until you have the largest number in the sorting sequence. These will be your 5 digit entries. If there are few just edit each of them, if many do a Batch update.
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Thanks, I didn’t realize those buttons were at the bottom.

Still no 5 digit numbers. I even scrolled through the whole list to look for anything.

The number that Manager keeps auto inputting is 60033 which was one of the invoice numbers I had previously changed. Since it auto increments one digit it seems logical that the number it’s seeing is 60032. A search anywhere in Manager finds nothing.

It seems apparent that Manager glitched somehow. I was hoping that a version update would help but nothing so far. I have also tried rebooting the cloud server with no change.

It is now time to start showing some screenshots.

  1. The sorted list (of all entries) with highest reference numbers on top
  2. The edit screen of the supposedly wrong new autonumber and its resulting viewscreen showing the wrong number
  3. The edit and view screens of the record you refer to as manually changing previously

Screenshots won’t show anything more than what I described.

Most of the time they do. I am sorry but can not further help you.

OK so when you create a new invoice you get a 5 digit reference number, correct?

Take a note of that new 5 digit reference number and search in Invoices Tab for that Invoice Number decremented by 1.

You should find the offending 5 Digit Reference the Manager system is using. Correct or modify that Invoice Reference to your chosen 4 Digit reference number and then proceed to decrement the 5 digit number by 1 again and test for any other rogue 5 digit reference numbers.

Once 5 digit reference numbers no longer appear you should be OK and the Manager Automatic Invoice referencing will increment using your 4 digit implementation as you expect after also removing the 5 digit Reference you noted in the beginning.

Note: if the 5 Digit Reference is used somewhere in Manager you will need to modify / release that record first.
Also make certain there are no spaces at the front and back of your reference number search.

Yes and I’ve already done this as explained in my previous comment.

Manager strips out not digit characters then combines all digits to form the last number.
The prior number is likely to be there but not recognise.

Setting an number in form defaults would also result in this behaviour.

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There has not been any work done on “Prefixes”?

I would suggest copying your complete list of invoices to the clipboard and pasting into Excel. It’s a lot easier to filter the reference numbers from Excel to find the offending ones. As others have said, it could be an invoice with letters and characters in it, like 6.0032a which Manager sees as 60032.

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Thanks everyone, your help was invaluable. I didn’t know Manager would combine numbers.

The culprit was MIS6003-LC changed to MIS6003-LC2 just before the problem appeared in May 2023.
There was a series of 2 year old invoices that were similarly modified which have been fixed.

I found them by looking at the activity in the History right before the problem started. Simple in hindsight.

The automatic numbering is now working as expected.

Now I have to figure out why old invoices were modified…

Great the problem is solved but you mentioned in earlier posts that

So not sure why you do not know?

60033 was put in by Manager because some old invoice numbers had been manually modified by us. For example the “2” was added to “MIS6003-LC2”. When that was done the auto numbering changed. 60033 was later changed to a correct sequence but because we added the “2”, Manager kept putting 60033 for each new invoice.

What I don’t know is why we added the “2” to an old invoice number. It doesn’t matter now because everything is working properly,

This problem brings up again the request for a prefix: