Feature Request: Fallback if upgrade fails

Feature Request

Could you include in the upgrade program that it does the following:

  1. Backs up your existing database structure
  2. Upgrades the database to the version in the installation file
  3. Upon reloading the program, users will see a notification at the bottom allowing users to restore to the previous database version if they need to reverse the upgrade.

This should be easy enough for Server and Desktop version. Not sure how easy it would be to do in Cloud version.

This would address many complaints by users who have upgraded Manager to find that things have changed such as but not limited to Problem with customers account balances

Manager Update Strategy

Again, I would request that you have a stable and development track upgrade path, along with a panel (compromising anyone who wishes to join) who are willing to have a copy of their business in the development track (as well as stable track).

This would ensure that the live version is never negatively impacted on and gives you time to fix issues in the development track, that have cropped up as result of a Manager upgrade.

Users using the Desktop and Server versions do have the ability to backup their data and re-install an older version, but Cloud Users can’t revert to an older version. In my opinion this is a serious disadvantage of the Cloud version in that users are at the mercy of an upgrade that borks their accounts.

Other users have suggested other things such as moving away from a perpetual accounting system so that new versions don’t impact old data, but I believe that this is treating the symptom of the problem rather than addressing the issue which is the inability for an easy revert back to or fall back option to undo an upgrade as well as the lack of a development and stable track.