Extensions not working in Summary View

Hi @lubos. This is just to let you know that the code from Extensions are not getting included in html output in Summary View.

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Your post is not clear. Code never appears on the Summary page, no matter where it is from or what it is for. Illustrate what you mean with screen shots.

I can confirm this behavior. I can also add that this have been the case since the introduction of extensions.

The Extensions code must be included in HTML source in order to work. It is pointless for me to make screenshots as they will only show a bunch of geeky stuff. You can very easily replicate the issue yourself though. Just create an extension for Summary View and let’s say Payments with the following code:

alert(‘Extension is working!’)

So, @kszum, you seem to be saying that the result of the code does not appear when viewing the Summary page, not that the code itself does not appear. Correct?

No, I have said:

Please, let me explain further. When you click on a tab or a link in the Manager the HTML page is generated by whatever programming language the software is built with. During this process any extension code created for that page is embedded (included) within the HTML and then sent over (outputted) to a web browser. Once received, the browser interprets HTML, executes extension code and displays the page, including result of the extension code.

Now let’s go back to you last question. Yes, the result of the code does not appear on the Summary page but that is because there is no code embedded in that page to create the result. The code itself should not be visible in this case but, as I said before:

Please remember, just because something is not visible on the page does not necessarily mean it is not there.

Maybe some screenshots may help explain what you actually are concerned about.

I assume that

  • you have used extensions to inject code into other Manager screen, and that has worked as expected.

  • when you run a simple test extension (which works on other screens) it is not injected as html code on a summary screen.

If so I expect Lubos is already aware of the limitation. For completeness you could show a simple test extension and it’s result on normal and summary screens.

At a guess the answer will be: extensions are designed to implement localisation in a particular reporting or data entry screen. Which does not include the summary screen. A reasonable design decision given the summary screen depends on all data and all modules so will change (perhaps subtly when changes are made any where in Manager. In contrast a single report or data entry screen has far fewer dependencies.

My intention was just to let @lubos know about the issue I believe I have found. It may or may not be by design but in my humble opinion Extensions functionality is to provide ability to extend every possible aspect of the software. Especially the fact that every page is built in exactly same way, using the same technology makes it hard to justify arbitrary exclusion of Extensions from some of them.

For example, I looked into extensions on Summary page because I wanted to create a hover effect for rows in Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Statement. I find names and values to far apart for my liking so I put together a few lines of code to make my work a little bit easier. Sadly, extensions do not work there.

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I can confirm that extensions do not work on the summary view for me as well.

I’d like to request that this be made possible. Even when an extension is set to run everywhere, it doesn’t run on the summary page.