The tax authorities asked me if I could provide them with an so called Audit File. This is a predefined XML file of all financial data in an administration. Does Manager have an export utility like that ?
Dear Lubos,
I support the functionality of exporting financial data in the XML-format.
The Dutch tax-administration has very sophisticated it-systems. All tax returns (vat, personal income tax, corporation tax, import-duties etc) are fully automated. For instance for your personal tax income return, all personal details like wages, bankbalances, mortgages etc. are already filled in by the tax-administration. So to say you only have to check the details and digitally sign the tax-return form and that is it. There is hardly any classic correspondence. Everything goes via the digital highway.
The majority of native Dutch accounting software has the possibility to export all financial data via a xml-file (XML-Audit file Financial). In case the tax administration wants to perform a tax-audit, it is very time saving when you can send them the xml-file with the requested information. Although it is not a necessity to provide the requested information via a XML-file, it would however improve the level of sophistication of Manager drastically.
I can supply you with the required information to built-in this functionality.
There are two ways to export some data in xml in Manager:
the APIs, but it’s a long and complex road. You should for sure a programmer (I hope the new APIs that will come in the next few months will solve all these issues)
custom themes only for invoices and other themable reports. Here again you should edit the template to get what you need and it’s not that easy. Again you will probably need a programmer.