Employee leave tracker

Thank you for this fantastic software, love the user friendly features!! I would love to have a automatic tracker of employees being absent and leave taken. For example we have 21 days leave granted a year for each employee and this must be noted on the payslip. Would like it if the program could calculate the leave each month automatically and have a function to deduct the leave taken, being sick or holiday or compassionate.


Please search the forum before posting new topics. This is already in the Ideas category: HR Features to be reconsidered (Full HR Features Required in Manager). You can vote for it there.

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As for the alternate solution till the HR system is introduced. You just have to show the leave and absence deduction in the earning section by adding a new line selecting the same account as income account and using reason in description. Use - minus sign with the amount and it will show the deduction on payslip. As per accounting principles you can’t keep separate accounts for leaves and holiday as the cash is not moved from company accounts to employee accounts.

You can, however, include an earnings item for paid leave. For example, each month, you might enter the leave earned under that payslip item rather than under a general salary payslip item. But it will still post the liability to Employee clearing account. You could then break things down for individual employees from there.

I admit, this is something of a workaround.