Sometime last year I did suggest that HR features be included in Manager. This was done and I thank you for that but, I think not all the features have been included. I am suggesting to have full HR features be included in Manager, features such as having Employee Pictures, Employee ID Numbers, Leave days accrued, and Remunerations. This will reduce the cost having a lot of software installed, and this will also help the organization to have all the departments entirely depend on Manager.
The next feature you will see in payroll will be support for entitlements (that will cover leave days accrued and more). Employee ID number field can be added using custom fields.
Hi @lubos any update on this?
A simple tool to manage employee entitled leave days to show remaining leave days balance would be very much appreciated.
willing to see this subject in the idea list
I would like to see that as well.
Was wondering if this idea is in development?
@lubos Is there any updates on this?
As it is an idea from back in 2015.
I personal think this is a great feature, but manager is an accounting software not HR.