Just updated and still no working email to send invoices, this software has worked fine for me over the past four years. Now all of a sudden it wont send emails.
I havent got time to waste trying to send invoices out over another platform, all because you havent properly tested your softwware.
It would help if you posted some information about your setup eg what OS you are using, what version of Manager, which email provider, copies of your email setup (with appropriate bits blacked out)
Just saying it is not working will not allow anyone to help. A lot of people have got the emails working using their custom smtp server so it is not beyond the bounds of possible
It is frustrating when emailing system stop but as there are many, many email providers it is difficult to provide example setups for each. Sometimes IT stuff is just hard to make compatible
Manager’s built-in server relied on a email provider who decided to switch the service off
This is not an issue with Manager. The number of incorrect email addresses entered by users around the world simply made it impossible to continue with the internal SMTP server, because all users’ mistakes are attributed to Manager itself. So now you need your own SMTP server.