Drop down custom field for - line

we have a nice option in the custom fields
thats the drop down, it helps a lot is fast and its avoid typing mistakes

but in the - line custom fields this option is missing
@lubos is possible to add this to the -Line custom fields ?

Thanks in advance

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I think that it is already in the ideas but @lubos told that he needed to rearrange athe whole custom codes’ system.

@Davide thanks, i have to find another solution then,
plus the custom fields - in line occupy a lot of space since their column seems to have a fixed width, even if i put only 2 letters

Maybe your solution is to create the custom field in Non-inventory items (and inventory items). It will probably require creating many Non-inventory items but you get all these benefits:

  1. The details appear on each line in documents (view mode)
  2. Nothing appears in the line if custom field is not applicable - so, doesn’t take up space (view mode).
  3. No extra line fields in edit mode to take up space
  4. Can be selected in custom reports (line item custom fields are not available in custom reports)
  5. Drop down list is available
  6. One custom field covers many documents (SI, PI, DN, CN, etc)

thank you for this info, i didnt know line items dont appear in custom reports

this is what i wanted to avoid using custom in line fields

too many items make the production orders a time consuming process

but thank you very much @AJD