Deleting invoices

I have somehow clicked on recurring invoices and now have thousands of invoices dating back hundreds of years. How do I delete the invoices dated before current financial year?

Looks like you have some hard work to do

By individually deleting, otherwise

Do you have a backup prior to this event, if yes, then on the Summary tab rename your existing business by putting (OLD) after it, then go to Add Business - Import from Backup.

If no backup, depending on the amount of proper (v’s recurring invoices), start again and re-enter.

I don’t understand how this happened, @Bernie. You had to go to Settings => Recurring Sales Invoices and set up the invoice. But clicking Create only sets up the structure of forthcoming invoices. When the designated time comes around, you see the notification, click on Details, and Create the invoice. The entire concept only runs forward in time, not backwards. So saying you “click on recurring invoices and now have thousands of invoices dating back hundreds of years” makes no sense at all.

Just what did you really do?

any screen shots? In the words of a good friend, “without photos, it didn’t happen.”

All I mean is, can you show us a view of these pre-dated recurring payments?

I saw your post a minute after it became live and thought exactly what @Abeiku said. But I too find it hard to believe it’s gone backwards in time. What calendar are you running on? (I only ask because I know in Thailand it’s 2559 ATM and am curious if there is that sort of issue involved).