Date bug?

I am using ver14.1.2 of ManagerServer. As I write this post my computer says 08/01/2014 (correct date here) whereas ManagerServer shows 9 January 2014 (tomorrow) for the default date for a new invoice. Is this a bug?

Manager Server is using the local date set on the server, not on your computer.

So… will you provide a time “shifter” similar to GMT±_ ?

Sorry ignore last comment (I’m sure you will)

My computer date is set to 27/9/2016, which is correct, but when I now want to start a new invoice, it sets date to yesterday?, and shows an error that I am trying to invoice in the future.
Only happened today.

By the way when I start new invoice, it shows yesterdays date, but the calendar is showing the correct date highlighted, but the 26th is selected, strange.
I went to an old version and all is fine

Update. There was a date/time bug that was fixed. Might explain your problem.

Hi @Tut Thank you for the info. I updated on the 21st, so the new update is later?

Just updated @Tut, thank you all good