Database store in MacBook Air

May I know where is the database store in MacBook?

I did not find MacBook in location at the sidebar.

How to look for it?

the Reset Folder in the bottom, what is that mean? is that mean reinstate the previous database as now I have change the folder and seems cannot recall the latest database.

I am a new user in MacBook.

It’s recommended to first consult the guides before posting a question. In this case, see the guide Move desktop application data to another folder And if you don’t know what you are doing, don’t do it! :wink:

See also the Guide: In the macOS, the default folder will be hidden. Press Command + Shift + . to toggle hidden files on or off. (That is a period as the third key.)

Do you mean you are new to the MacBook? Or a user of a MacBook who is new to Manager?

New user to MacBook.
Quite new to manager too

  1. If we select the database which is store in the cloud, think it would be more convenient as it always have a back up in cloud. Please correct me if my understanding is wrong. thanks.

  2. Whenever we have update the version, it will create another application folder for Manager. May I know how to deal with this? Are we just delete / remove the earlier application folder?

Thank you.

#1: Your understanding is correct. That is the subject of the Guide @Mark linked.

#2: Updates do not create new application data folders. That occurs only when you proactively change the folder. Whether those self-created folders can be safely removed depends entirely on what businesses you have stored in them, what transactions have been entered in those businesses since you moved them to those folders, and so forth.

  1. Currently, the Manager are in DMG format and is shown below the Macintosh HD. Is that ok to store as DMG (when click on get info from DMG, it is still in my Downloads folder) or is better to store in Application folder? If yes, may I know how to do it?

  2. There are 2 versions of Manager in DMG now, one is older version, and the other one is newer version. Think can remove the older Manager DMG file as the newer version keep the new database now. How to remove the older version ?


No, it is not okay to do what you are doing. DMG is the extension indicating a disk image. That is just the download format. You need to read and follow the Guide on installing and updating the application on the macOS.

Delete the entire disk image and start over. Your data is not there. It is in the application data folder. Then run the program from the Applications folder like you should.