Data transfer Manager

Today received a modified ledger from my accountant after I provided her a back-up of my ledger (June 25). She successfully uploaded my business (with a lot of compliments when experiencing the Manager bookkeeping tool) and booked 2020 memorial items. Today she made a back-up again and I try to upload the file into a new business.
Unfortunately my Manager-Mac version does not accept the file.

How to solve this transfer issue?

(error 20.2.48 you are running an outdated version)

When your accountant downloaded Manager, she would have got the latest version - you don’t say when you sent it but presumably fairly recently.

Then when she imported your business backup, it was converted to this later version - this is why you version of Manager (20.2.48) cannot open it.

Your version is thousands of versions behind.

Download the latest version, and you will be able to open the revised version

This has noting to do with transfer from Windows to Mac, so you should adjust the topic heading appropriately

Dear Joe, I did not realised I had to refresh my version. Thanks a lot (revised the header), regards, Ed

There are often multiple updates every day and certianly around 75-100 every month so it is a good idea to update regularly.

Also new features are added - you should subscribe to the monthly newsletter - see at the bottom right of the webpage