Customer Statements - request additional field as footer

Hi @lubos and moderators

Just had a request from a Client that we have the Bank Account details for payments to be paid to printed on the Customer Statements we send out . I suggest it as a footer or Custom Field ?

I also request it be available on both the Invoice or Transaction Customer Statements as we use both depending on circumstances.

Can anyone advise if this is possible to do now without any changes to Manager ? I can’t see it being possible as it is at present.



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We can’t apply a theme to the report at the moment, so there’s no way to do this - you are correct.

The workaround I use is to provide payment details in the body of the email that I send the client (the one that I attach the customer statement to), if necessary.

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@ShaneAU Thank you for reply
Taking up on your suggestion for now which I don’t think is the best solution , but a very helpful one.

I guess I can look at adding it into Email Templates body of message , which will work to a point, but only thing is , my client asked for it to be on the actual statement sent as he most often prints out a few statements and sends them by postal mail service, I guess he could get a stamp made up or sticker but if he changes bank details this is a very costly process just to get bank details on the statements

I hope this can be addressed by manager at some point as it makes sense to have it as a footer say as it is for information purposes only but very helpful to the receiver to make quick and easy payment. We can send out copies of the invoice/s as well which does have the bank details shown but not always necessary to do so.

thanks again for very prompt reply

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If he’s printing them, he could also get some templates / letterheads made up.

i.e. printed pages which already have the details on the bottom. Place that in the printer, then print the customer statement over the top.

Something like this, but you’d only have the bottom pre-done, as Manager already does the logo up the top for you. The negative being that if he wanted to print something else, he’d have to swap it out with regular paper, then swap the letterhead back in before he prints his next customer statements.

I will put it to him as a suggestion…thanks :slight_smile:

Hope it works out for him in the meantime.

You could suggest that he remove the payment info from the Notes field on his invoices / quotes / etc as well. That way, he can just leave the letterhead in the printer and use it for all Manager prints – Customer Statement, or otherwise. Saves swapping it out as often.

you can also try adding your bank details below your business address. but this will show on all forms.

I suggest to put this information into custom theme for now. Customer statements do support themes.

However, my view is that themes should be used for changing appearance. If you are happy with standard look and just want to add extra information, then I don’t believe this should require any HTML coding so soon there will be easier way to inject custom footer or similar.

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Thanks very much for addressing this.

We use the Standard template and I support this request. We would be glad if it can be introduced into the “Ideas” list to be addressed at some point please. We have customers prompting us to add bank account information to the bottom of our customer statements. I know this information is already on the Tax Invoices but yes the clients insist. The suggestion to place the bank account detail under the business details is not ideal.


Feb 20

I suggest to put this information into custom theme for now. Customer statements do support themes.

However, my view is that themes should be used for changing appearance. If you are happy with standard look and just want to add extra information, then I don’t believe this should require any HTML coding so soon there will be easier way to inject custom footer or similar.