i added my customer in manager but i don’t know how to add its remaining balance so i can start making its invoices.
Read this Guide: Set starting balances for customers | Manager.
i make the entry like this
and they show in Starting balance equity. i have done this before and balance due did not show in Starting balance equity.
can u tell me what is happening.
You are entering the sales invoice incorrectly. And you haven’t followed instruction in the Guide I linked in my first response. The first line item is telling the program you have sold something worth 292,785.00. That amount will be added to an income account. But you didn’t sell anything new. Instead, your customer owed you money from a previous invoice before you started using Manager.
Sales invoices are used only for entering new sales. If you want to show account status, use a Customer Statement. See https://www.manager.io/guides/7022.