Customer portal

I really would like to start using the Customer Portal when my next contract year starts in April. Would it be possible to get the following issues sorted so that the Customer Portal can be used in production mode. I think the Customer Portal Concept is an absolutely fantastic feature and one that I have been wanting to implement for many years.

  1. Customers need to be able to download a pdf copy of the quote/order/invoice. Without this functionality, the portal is basically useless for my needs.

  2. Cyber Security implementation - at a bare minimum, username and password implementation. More is needed, but just to get the Customer Portal to Production mode, that would suffice.

  3. Review the Summary Page in the Portal as it is a Cyber Security risk, contains no information that the customer needs as all that information is in the quotes/invoices anyway. I am not seeing the point of the Summary Page in the Customer Portal.

For reference, here is a complete list of requests via various posters for the Customer Portal. But the first three I consider to be essential for production use.

Another feature that I would like introduced sooner rather than later is the ability to view a folder within the Folders Tab where Customer contracts, SLA, Terms and Conditions etc could be stored. However, the Folder Tab would need to have a theme similar to Ealfardan - Adjust themes for folders and obviously the client could only access their folder in the Folder’s Tab.

A lot more has been requested for the Customer Portal as you can see by the linked topic. But just these few suggestions would make the Portal usable for production use and then you can build on the portal by implementing MFA, Client Edit Restrictions etc. At the moment the Customer Portal is not being used at all.