I have 2 customers that are active and visible in the “Sales Invoices” under “Customers” but is not visible in the "Customer " list in “Receipts” when I select “Accounts Receivable”. I have inactivated and then reactivated with no success. Not sure why it is only 2 customers and they have plenty of transactions. I can add sales invoices but not assign payments to them.
What edition and version of Manager are you using?
What OS are you using?
Also, post a screenshot of the affected Receipt.
Version 22.3.74 on Windows 11
Screen shot is of no use as the customer does not appear in the drop down box and i would need to black out all the customer names for privacy. Customer name has “too” in it.
First, update your software. You are dozens of versions behind. Your screen shot also shows you have selected the Other category, not Customer.
Upgraded to latest desktop version, selected customer (don’t need to do this with other customers) and same result.
Regards Mark
Unfortunately, your screen shots do not demonstrate that any specific customer is not available in the dropdown selection menu. Can you show the customer list that includes a customer you say does not appear and a screen shot of the dropdown list where that customer is missing?
Customer edit screen, customer name starting with Too.
The last screen shot shows where the customer is not appearing, ie search function for “too” no customers showing.
Please first select the customer in this drop-down list and show a new screenshot.
This is quite the case you have.
It appears that you have some sort of data corruption that can’t be reproduced.
Can you do a Batch Update on Customers > Copy to Clipboard and share that data sheet?
Once i copied to clipboard the customer is now selectable in the customer list.
Problem appears solved thanks.
It appears that the mysterious data corruption was repaired by the software refresh before batch update.
Did you create a custom control account by any chance or use batch operations before this corruption took place?
I had renamed Accounts receivable a few years ago but then changed it back. Possible that it was the cause.
Yes, therefore I always use control accounts for accounts receivable and accounts payable. As advised you need to either only use the default ones or only control accounts and no mix. Renaming is not a good idea as you experienced.