Manager has no ability to associate one customer with another. Nor are there tiers or hierarchies of customers. The only way to obtain such a report is to export a statement for each of the customers in a group and paste them all into a single spreadsheet.
Thank you for your reply. Is this maybe something that can be added to manager. Or maybe a custom customer statement report that you can add a specific filter, for example customer code?
@Anke_Badenhorst, your last post gave me an idea. If you add a custom field for the group to customers, you could do two things:
Create Sales Invoice Totals by Custom Field reports. Define the report to include one of your franchisor codes and you will have a list of all sales invoices, by franchisee, for the time period. But this will contain only sales invoice totals, not transaction histories.
Create a custom report using the custom field in a filter (Where Franchisor contains OVK, for example). Group the report by franchisee. Include whatever data the franchisor wants in their report. You will be somewhat limited in what you can display, but the same is true with customer statements.
Give the second option a try. If you run into difficulty, post screen shots of the definition of a report and the resulting report.
Thank you very much. I have created a custom field as you said and the first option worked perfectly. I definitely wanted a report to see which franchise is the strongest in any given month so that’s great. screenshot below
I am very new when it comes to custom reports. I would like it to look like the customers statements, with invoices and payments (Transactions) but then grouped by franchise so the coloums to be
That is not possible. You cannot control the format of custom reports, only their content (within limits). You will be constrained to information related to a specific transaction to an account in your chart of accounts. So, for example, you can distinguish debits and credits. But you cannot obtain balances because those are calculated on the fly when a statement is created; they are not part of the transaction records.
You will not be able to achieve that, because general ledger transactions are recorded by line item, not by total. Any sales invoice you view is itself the processed result of all line items it contains. The total amount of the invoice is not saved in the database.
In general, there is no such capability. However, you can add a designator in the Code field. Then, you will be able to search for particular designators. In the case of customer statements, after searching for the code related to a particular franchise brand, you could use Batch PDF to generate a file of all statements for only that brand.
I have a similar problem.
Is there anyone who could help me?
I have a few customers who have two or three vehicles sent for repairs to me
How can I group the vehicles under each respective customer right from the invoicing stage
The Customer needs a breakdown separately for each vehicle within the statement
Also to keep record of each vehicle owned by a Customer for our internal record
Ya Joe
I will put it in a different way
Suppose you have three vehicles and you send all three for services in a single day.
How can I invoice you in a single invoice with different parts and consumables used for each of them?
And give a single statement end of the month covering all three vehicles differentiating every single vehicle service deatails
An invoice custom field for vehicle identification maybe sufficient for internal reports.
It would require a consistent operator naming convention as manager does not support customer custom list field on a invoice that I’m aware if.