Custom Reports for non-inventory items


Does anyone know how can I generate a custom report of specific non-inventory items that are sold (receipts and sales invoices) in a specific period of time?

For example:

The below are names of non-inventory items:
Digital Prepaid Card 1
Digital Prepaid Card 2
Digital Prepaid Card 3

I’d like to know how much I sold of the above items throughout the day with the prices of each.

Facing the same challenge. In custom reports I can readily get to the inventory item fir any sales transaction etc., however if the transaction was to sell a non-inventory item (service etc.), this currently does not seem possible.

The link from the gl transactions to inventory item in the sales invoice appears to be there but not to non-inventory items as yet.

Would like to propose the IDEA of having the item code, name and description be available whether inventory or non-inventory.

Thanks for considering.

The reason the program behaves this way is that inventory items are actually subsidiary ledgers of the Inventory on hand account (or of a custom control account if your have assigned them elsewhere). So there are transactions entered against them.

Non-inventory items, on the other hand, are just data entry shortcuts that help with filling in line items on transaction forms. There are no subsidiary ledgers for them, so there are no general ledger transactions for them. The only way to include them in custom reports would be via filters quoting their exact names. Of course, you could only do one at a time, because the filters function as Boolean AND operators, not OR operators.

That is true, however the transaction line driving the GL entry does indeed store the Code for the non-inventory item. It is available from the transaction in the AR sub-ledger in the same manner as an inventory item is on the invoice. I understand it is not a relational database but for some of the custom report data starting from GL transactions Lubos has clearly created some ‘views’ or relationships back to the transactions, AR is a subledger containing invoice line transactions, I believe this to be a reasonable ask for consitency. Please understand the reports I am trying to create start from GL Transactions and just trying to pull the item code for non–inventory items from the corresponding AR invoice line no different than we can already do for inventory items on invoice lines driving GL transactions. Hope that clarifies.


Yes, that clarifies. But I’m not sure your use of codes for non-inventory items makes any difference. The point is that sales or purchases of non-inventory items are not posted to a subsidiary ledger like those of inventory items are.

As I think we all know, custom reports—in their current incarnation—are a huge step forward over the raw SQL queries that used to be required. But they still leave those without intimate knowledge of the database structure with many questions. And we often must resort to trial and error to achieve a desired result. A complete revamping of the feature has been promised, along with hints that it might be rolled out soon. Let’s hope it helps with things like this.

@ alasdair @ BernardAzar If you create a new accounting key named for example “Sales - Non-inventory items” and use that accounting key for Non-inventory items (Settings / Non-inventory items) you have your Non-inventory items report by only extracting that accounting key in Custom reports. Seems like when using Account Code in custom reports doesnt provide the report but using Account Name works


@Tor, I assume by “accounting key” you mean an account. The term key in Manager refers to something else, specifically the hexadecimal string that identifies a specific record when doing batch updates.

yes, you are right, account it is

True they do indeed all point to revenue accounts (because they represent services I sell), but intentionally there is more than one item going to the same account. I Already have the account break out I want, trying to see break out of items on GL transactions Hitting each account.

@alasdair You don’t have to only use revenue accounts, you can also use cost accounts in Non-inventory items and associate Tracking Codes so there are many possibilities for usage. Maybe tracking codes is more suitable if you want more detail for breakdown…