Custom report - Journal Entry - Custom fields - No Matches Found

Hi All and Development Team @lubos

In Version (23.3.17) the Development Team has added the Custom Fields “Journal Entry - Line” feature, which is very nice and helpful.
However, the Custom Fields Journal Entry Line is not in the Custom Report (Attached Image). Can you display/add this to the Custom Report, so that the information/data that has been input can appear in the Custom Report?
It is a great hope that this can be granted. Thank you very much.

Update your software. You are dozens, possibly hundreds, of versions behind. I believe your issue was fixed already.

Thank you for your response, but after I made changes to the latest version v24.1.4.1250 the problem above has not been solved, “No matches Found”


Your report definition does not include a selection of journal entry custom field - line. It includes standard journal entry custom field.

I don’t understand it yet, do you have any guidance that should be related to what I need above?

The two types of custom fields are distinct.

In Manager v24.1.4.1247 this is not fixed yet, so this serves as alert to @lubos . I tried both: Custom field Journal - Entry Line and Journal Entry

Is there any update regarding this issue?


@Yabes_Hulu_Taxbind there is no need to custom reports anymore. Use Advanced Search instead which has support for all custom fields.


I don’t think that Advanced Search can repleace Custom Reports. How can I create a report with “Advanced Search” from several different fields from general ledger transactions and several connected tables?