Custom report issues (Cusomer & Bought items)

Hello Managers,
i do not seem to understand how the report show blanks
Below is the custom report setting for inventory items bought by each customer during the month:

the report shows blanks for repeated item names as below :

could some1 help figuring the porb out as i’ve tried diff settings and it still show the blanks

Thanks in advance

That’s because it’s doing a full join on Inventory Items & Transactions table. You will get ghost entries because you didn’t filter out the redundant result.

Try this:


Thanks Alot for the solution , I truly appreciate it but I’m afraid the field " Qty Invoiced" is not visible in my software however

You must be running a different version of Manager.

You can use the plain Qty field. That would work too

I also need this and i tried your example, it doesn’t work for me


Try this

1 Like

This works fine Thanks
Can you please post a custom report to get Supplier & Purchased items if possible

Please note the FAQ - Manager Forum for two reasons:

  • Don’t divert topics to new subjects in midstream. Start a new topic.


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@AMM see also reply to similar request by you in 2023 by @Mark, i.e.:

Still not working for me

here is the result


Make sure you have Sales and Credit Note transactions within the date range you selected for the period. Also, ensure you choose the correct account name that used in your transaction.

Yes, most of my sales are sales invoices for the selected period, and there is also a credit note on some invoices.

I don’t understand this, can you please explain better?

Look at this

or you can share edit form of your sales transaction to see what sales account name used.

@Mahmoud_Mohsen1 you did not reply to @Ealfardan. Please note the FAQ - Manager Forum specifically:

Be specific. … If your question relates to an apparent software problem (rather than an accounting topic), tell us your operating system (including the version), Manager edition (desktop, server, or cloud), …

Also from same:

Manager advances very quickly, simplifying and adding features and capabilities. Sometimes, bugs occur with new releases. But these are usually fixed rapidly, often within minutes. So if you encounter a problem with the desktop or server editions, update Manager , even if you recently did. (The cloud edition is always up to date.) You can check the latest version at .

Hi Eko,

I’m very grateful for @Ealfardan for his help
I understand your point , thanks for sharing it . it’s abit hard to follow up on the updates as it’s quickly advancing " which is a great +"

Thanks again folks

Thanks, my sales transaction is not inventory sales, thats why is not showing anything, it now showing as expected now

I have two questions:

  1. Please, can I select the customer I want to generate their report?

What I mean is, assuming I have 40 customers but I only want to filter to generate items bought of 20 customers, how can I do that, please?

  1. Assuming a customer buy a product called speaker 50 cartons today and also bought another 70 cartoons the second week, can the system accumulate the sales together to give total figure bought instead of show 50 sperately and 70 seperately.