I’ve been creating custome fields to use in the forms (Invoices,Paymets…ETC) but it does not seem useful as i can not use these fields in my reports
I work in an exporting co and the unique ID that connects all the transactions per shipment is the BoL I want to use it to track shipment expenses and revenues
Thanks for your help
I’ve actually read the above article but it’s not very informative I think a couple of short vids with examples would dive better fruit since there’s alot of variables and it does not show how it works or affect the final product
I tried the function but the custom fields in the form does not show let me give you a screenshot
Custom Field: These are created using only the “Classic Custom Field” option in settings. These are selectable in the Custom Report module.
CustomFields2: These are created using any of the other options (not Classic Custom Field option). As far as I know these do not yet function correctly in the Custom Reports module as they are still a work in progress.
@Ealfardan could you explain the instructions for selecting a Custom field in Custom reports that you have given in your last post as I am having trouble following them and I don’t think that they are accurate
I tried with a test business and this simply does not work, also not with Custom Fields2. You can not select a custom field, even though it was created.
The critical issue is that users may have created new Custom Fields and entered data using these, only to find that it is not yet usable in Custom Reports as it will not be available using the Custom Field parameter, and that the CustomField2 parameter is not yet functional.
This may require a large amount of work to convert back to a Classic Custom Field to be able to use in Custom Reports.
I think that users should be made aware that they need to use the Classic Custom Field option if they want to use custom field data in Custom Reports until such time as the Custom Report functionality is upgraded to allow the use of CustomFields2.
Please do not “follow up,” @Mahmoud_Mohsen1. This is in the bugs category and will receive attention from the developer. Further inquiries will just clog the forum and divert attention from actual work.
I’m removing this topic from bugs on the basis that it won’t be fixed. I’m moving away from the current implementation of custom reports so this feature will be soon replaced with something better.
For example, you can now use Advanced Search function across all tabs. Advanced search does support all custom field types.
This replicates Where... section of custom reports but I think in more intuitive way. Equivalent to Select... section is Edit Columns button. And equivalent to Order by... section is ability to click on any column and sort by it.
What’s missing is ability to Group by... and ability to print the resulting data as a report.