I would like to show aged receivable and payable in show custom date and monthly.
Customer Name Current 1week 2 weeks 1 months
I would like to show aged receivable and payable in show custom date and monthly.
Customer Name Current 1week 2 weeks 1 months
You are asking for custom age categories or buckets.
That would be a useful setting.
It would be useful but right now you cannot.
This Should be implemented In manager, i completely Support this idea.
Different businesses have different policies for managing Receivable Collection Period. I have added this to ideas.
The difficulty I think is different jurisdictions have different “standard” periods.
A possible general solution is described here Tax Summary and Tax Transactions under new Custom Reports - #5 by Patch
In india , according to legal provisions we need to report receivables in two categories
Any possibility for this idea now? to have Aged Receivables and buckets come by weeks instead of months?
Any change will be announced in this topic on the forum.
Thank you!
Dear @Tut , We are still in need to customized buckets for aging report which is very important to us.
something else, in Oracle ERP EBS 11.04 and up we used to have the aging table for any client at the end of his statement of account like a table of 2 rows and columns for aging buckets, so please think of it if it can be useful for all
Thank you!
The applications are not only very different in what they can do, but the price difference is enormous. We spend a fortune on Oracle, staff, servers and consultants. The beauty of Manager is that it can help projects, businesses, etc do solid accounting and reviewing of their financial status and being able to afford it. We have many of these tiny businesses and projects on our Manager Server edition.
First, I’m not the developer. Second, if features of different software are so important to you, maybe you should still be using it.
I don’t that either of these is a far goal. I mean:
Somewhere in the program the age bucket values are hardcoded. They just need to be put in variables and included in the Edit screen of Customer Statements.
The statement summary table is already possible using Themes, so if whatever replacement to that is as capable, then there wouldn’t be any problem.
Dear Sir,
It remains crucial for us, and likely for many other users, to have customized aging buckets or periods, such as weekly or bi-weekly intervals, rather than just monthly. Your assistance in implementing this feature would be greatly appreciated.