Aged Receivables - show invoices dates


I want the ability to show invoices dates in Aged Receivables report if I checked Show Invoices option. It will be more useful especially if there are a many invoices more than 90 days.

You cannot.

Then can you make it as feature request? I think it’s a feasible feature.

When you start adding more and more information, you run out of space on the page.

It’ll be optional, since we already have the option to show the invoices in the Aged Receivables report, we can have this option also.

At the same time I agree with you that adding features may complicate things, but I tried to recreate this report using custom reports, but it seems impossible to make it with current custom report capabilities.

What an excellent reason for not adding new features, however, as that report currently has plenty of scope for the dates to be displayed I will add this to Ideas.

The dates could be included with the current “show invoices” option or be a separate option.

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Thank you!

Thank you, this is exactly what I meant.

@lubos is this can be implemented?

Since till now I can’t achieve it using custom report.

@AliYusuf, there are over 200 ideas currently in the category. Some have been there for years. Yours has been there for 8 months.

Added to the latest version (22.3.9)

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