I created a single line custom field called TIN and chose location “BUSINESS DETAILS” and “CUSTOMER”
I filled the field for MY BUSINESS as well as MY CUSTOMER
It places the CUSTOMER field below the Invoice Number and that is just plain outright wrong, because I added it to the CUSTOMER and thus, it shall appear under the CUSTOMER data, which is the address to the left
The value for MY BUSINESS is not even appearing, even if it is saved against MY BUSINESS
This is quite surprising, because honestly, any halfway baked invoice in the world needs a TIN (also known as VAT number) and manager.io just offers no standard ways to do that, which is the first weird thing, but putting the field where it does, is basically making it impossible to add TINs correctly unless adding them to the address.
Note, with the classic custom fields, it will show the BUSINESS DETAILS one under my BUSINESS INFORMATION, but since you do not support that anymore, it would be good to actually have the new custom fields working. And the placement of the CUSTOMER field is STILL wrong even in legacy mode
This is an accounting software - so why does it not have an actual inbuilt way to add TINs?
Manager is designed to be usable in most jurisdictions in the world. Believe it or not many do not have use a “TIN” number, some call it something different others don’t use an equivalent identifier.
As a result Manager does not have a TIN field by design. That is what custom fields are for or adding it to the Address field works well for many people.
As for easier options to customize the location custom fields are displayed, it though that was already be in an ideas thread.
Call it what you want - it is still a TIN number. It identifies the business (Client or not) uniquely for tax purposes, and some jurisdictions might not care, others do hang you up on it and you will never do business again if its not put where it belongs
In Europe it might be VAT, in Vietnam the ma so thue, in US the TIN or else.
You would be surprised what it means if you sell to Europe and have no VAT Number of your client on that invoice and receipt. Good luck explaining and paying off the vat, possibly also paying a fine for doing B2B without clearly stating the VAT numbers on the invoices. Not to mention more strict jurisdictions. EU is actually quite lax and easy in comparison to say, some SEA jurisdictions who will complain if a single character is out of place.
The point is, an invoice needs a tax identifiable number for tax purposes and it is part of the business data (client or not), not part of the invoice date.
And custom fields do NOT fulfill that purpose, as you can see in the report. They add data wherever they like, it appears.
Location: CUSTOMER > adds it under the invoice number (and if you do not set it to display on top of the invoice it displays it randomly under the line items)
Location BUSINESS DETAILS > does not add it at all unless you use legacy fields
The only thing that needs to happen is - it needs to put the fields where it says. I guess then we are done and happy.
Of course, working around it with adress field works, too. I did not even mention that since it is the most obvious solution to the bug at hand, but won’t solve a thing if you plan to add actual custom fields, which might be… a select, a checkbox, whatever.
But the goal is for custom fields to fullfill that purpose.
You can already inject custom fields into footers. All that is missing is ability to implement custom header for the invoice, then you can inject your custom fields into any position.
the custom fields are not inserted where the program says it will insert them.
the custom fields are not inserted at all, in some cases, unless using legacy fields.
There is no need for a custom header. Vat numbers ((which you say are to be implemented by custom fields)) are not added to the headers, they are added to the respective business details.
Perhaps it is easier to grasp it by forgetting about VAT and simply attempting to put a custom field into given locations and see what happens, which will lead back to this report.
The header information in HTML also contains the information you describe. We are waiting already quite some time to have similar to the new Footer and new Header option so that we can completely style (as you also want) documents such as Invoices as the Header information also typically should contain CSS to add some colour and positioning, i,e. exactly tailoring the invoice to our needs.
You can already for a long time just add TIN to the address field as an extra address line. Not sure which version of Manager you are using but if not using the obsolete Custom themes, the new Custom fields and also Footer work well also.
It is not the point!
Custom fields are not positioned where they are said to, that is the point, as the title of this issue mentions.
Sorry to everyone for ever having mentioned “VAT”, but you bet, wouldn’t I, some one would’ve asked “but why you even care, what your use case, you no explain, please elaborate”
I can see we are going into a lengthy discussion that is making the whole issue useless.
The problem is custom fields are not working correctly. With or without VAT or with intergalactic personal reproduction code… it stays the same - they are not placed where they say they will, and sometimes, not placed at all.
I appreciate that you are only since April active on the forum and probably a new user of Manager as well. I guess that you may have migrated from another application and that it does not always agree with how Manager does things.
One important requirement if you make bold claims such as this is to simply demonstrate with screenshots and explanations what you did and what you expected. Easiest is to create a plain vanilla test business where you only enable essential tabs. Then create some custom fields (not the classic ones) and show us the edit screens and the resulting view screens and explain what is “missing” or miss-located.