Crashing after Update

Okay, it’s a long story.
First, I lost my Manager files this June because they were stored in a Dropbox folder that I haven’t been using since March. And, I thought I had transferred all the files from that folder to my HD, including those from the Manager. And that is not what happened, unfortunately. So, I deleted this folder to free up space on my hard drive and immediately emptied the trash. I tried some data recovery software and none worked.
And unfortunately, my Lacie HD backup Time Machine stopped working in March too. With all this COVID-19 problem, I had no way of having it restored. I was only able to recover the files that were stored on the website. And I had to retype all the movements since the date I had lost the files. Luckily, let’s say, my business was completely closed because of COVID-19, so it was easy to retype them.
Finally, today I was able to redo the Manager’s database using backup recovery, seeing the guide you indicated (Backup, restore, import, and transfer businesses | Manager). I backed up only the businesses I am using in the Manager (4 files) in another folder. I deleted the files that were not being used or that caused yesterday’s problem. And then, I opened all the backup files in the app, updated the app and they’re working.

And lastly, I forgot. I was only able to recover the files the day before yesterday from the Manager application and the .manager files, as I told you in another post, because I have a new Time Machine HD running since the beginning of this week.