Would it be possible to have a setting to enable contract attached to sales invoice?
If I were implementing this I would want it to meet the following criteria:
- All pages would be generated with headers and footers that contain in either or both the page number, quote number, client info, company representatives name, the date of quote, etc…
- The contract would be inserted after a “Page Brake” so that the formatting is clean.
- The page brake is important to me because, while I can’t thank you enough for this truly amazing and powerful software, there have always been issues printing multi-page documents from it and getting the pages to look clean and neat. At times it has even split a line of text horizontally. While this is a very small price to pay for the ability to Open Source accounting software, it would be nice if the invoice/quote formatting would be independent of the following contract.
- The last item should be a signature block including printed name, signature, organization, position, etc…