Confused with inventory location on sales invoices

Hello, cloud user here!

I’m a little confused here. We are making some of our previous inventory items inactive. When I checked the current stock status of them I noticed that a lot of them are in “unspecified location”.

Back in the day IIRC there was no inventory location selection on the sales invoice (or it didn’t matter). The delivery notes were issued with the correct location.

Now if I look at “QTY on hand” for an item it looks like this.

Looks messy indeed.

If I click on “FG-Main” it tells me this:

Should I just batch update all my invoices and put the inventory location or what is happening here?

Or should I just leave it like it is?

Thank you in advance.

You can just create New Inventory Transfer where you can transfer items from/to Unspecified location

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Ok thank you!

I’m a little confused though what changed this. I guess it’s related to the new ‘qty on hand’ etc?

I don’t really understand why it says 2380 pcs and then when I click on it it’s 42 (which is the correct amount in our stock).

If I do inventory transfers I have to go through the 90+ items and do inventory transfers to the different locations (originally we had fewer store locations) to make sure it ends up correctly.

I have a hard time phrasing this. Does it have to be corrected? Is this the aftermath of previous changes to or is there something in our current procedure we should change to prevent more issues like this?


I’m still struggling with this.

Just to clarify.

  1. The changes and discrepancies we see now has nothing to do with our procedures but the updates to how treats the inventory items?

  2. All our 400+ inventory items were all correct when it comes to “qty to deliver” and “qty to receive” until the new update. Now we then have to go back and correct these individually back to 2019 (when we started using manager) in order to have accurate information?

For our inventory on hand I would have to go through each item, check how much is in the actual location and then make inventory transfers from “unspecified location” to the different other locations to get it to add up?

I don’t believe we have had any other update that changed so much of the previous data and I’m worried what kind of implications this has. I’m also concerned with how to actually correct it without causing other problems.

If I create ‘Purchase orders’ for all previous ‘Purchase invoices’ will that rectify the stock issues for purchases? Items that were previously correct are now shown as “qty to receive” as before it would look a the purchase invoice and goods receipt.

I guess I’m just not sure how to dig myself out of this whole while also trying to keep our business operating.